The Garden Club of Cape May

Officers, Committee Chairs and Activity Leaders


President, Mary Andrews

Vice President, Sandy Allison

Treasurer, Doreen Gantz

Assistant to the Treasurer, Tina Givens

Recording Secretary, Terry Morris

Corresponding Secretary, Anita Monaghan

Committee Chairs

Membership, Nancy Brady and Caroline O’Brien

Communications, Terry Morris
  • Blasts: Tina Givens
  • Newsletters: Kate Wyatt
  • Social Media: Mary Ann Cresta
  • Website: Caroline O’Brien and Ellen Seward
  • Photography: Jerri Hobdy, Dottie Rogers, Carla Schaeffer
Community Affairs, Nancy Brady

Plant Sale, TBD

Programs, Sandy Allison


Scholarship, Lynda Anderson Towns

Hospitality, Irma Ruzzi and Lynn Kurz

Garden of the Month, Pat Bowman

Garden Parties, Sandy Brethwaite

West Cape May Elementary, Carol Venet